Unless reported in the current version, the crashes and errors reported to the 'Microsoft App Center' from older versions will not be addressed.
There is an old saying, "If it isn't broken, don't fix it." It follows then that if you have a version of the MarinePlotter that works for you, then you most likely do not need to update the program. If you decide to update the program, make certain that you can revert to your current working version should something go wrong with the newer version. On the other hand, if you encounter a problem with an old version, you must first update to the latest version. If the problem still exists in the newer version, then please report the problem.
The MarinePlotter program is a test bed for ideas I wish to pursue and I release the program free of charge in the event it might be useful to you; and, although I try not to break parts of the program that once worked, I will inevitably muck up the program: This is evident in the release history where you can find fixes to problems that had been fixed in an earlier version.
Report problems with new releases: I recently changed to Windows 10 and Visual Studio Community 2015 for software development. This change has introduced new ways of programming and the learning experience has caused me to make mistakes in the MarinePlotter releases. I do not thoroughly test each release of the MarinePlotter; and, I cannot test the program for all versions of Windows and all computers that run Windows. As such, unless you report a problem with a new release, I might not fix the problem until I encounter it.
To report MarinePlotter installation and use problems, click contact.
Current (2014) development environment consists of:
The MarinePlotter is written in Microsoft C#, is compiled for "ANY CPU", and requires the Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5 or later.